Thursday, February 02, 2006

Five things.

A remarkable observation is how few things we can actually hold continuously in our conscious thoughts at one time. (Five things is the answer.) Intriguingly this also corresponds to the limiting level of our intentionality, i.e. "I think that you know that they suspected that he was aware of what the law said on these matters." or whatever.

There is a great, though flawed, article in the latest NS on this and religion, convincingly correlating the level of intentionality to frontal lobe grey matter volume, and looking at the neurology of this part of the brain we discover that it has 6 layers (5 interfaces?)

1.)Molecular layer
2.)External granular layer
3.)External pyramidal layer
4.)Internal granular layer
5.)Internal pyramidal layer
6.)Multiform layer

And quoting Wikipedia again-

"Theorists such as Jeff Hawkins have posited that these layers, particularly in the neocortex, form part of a laminar memory system of classification and lateral association which underpins human cognitive function. Although new, it brings an intriguing perspective on the unusual structural consistency of the most physically large cortex of the brain."

Now, for a self-model to work it must be useable immediately. Perhaps it must contain no more than 5 elements. The great morass of material contained in the unconscious regions of the brain, memories, learned responses, hard-wired responses etc. etc. are too numerous to be a "self" in any way that is experienced, BUT, I believe that elements "bubble up" all the time and are in some way offered for selection to create a revised self-model. In a sense, our (unique!) unconscious is the pallette our (latest) self-model is painted with.

Perhaps the stimulus for a self-model change might be contemplating moving into a new situation? Perhaps, it might happen when you haven't got a full set of 5 elements. In a state of happy repose, maybe, we empty our heads to re-boot?

Perhaps, this very simplicity and immediacy of the self-model is its weak point, the point where hackers can get in. (Derren Brown, Adolf Hitler etc.) Perhaps if people went around with a full set of 5 elements more of the time, their self-model would be harder to hi-jack. What do hypnotists say first when they want to hypnotise someone?........"Relax. Empty your mind..."